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Table 2 Examples of the Fundamental Components of IC

From: Maltese as a foreign language educators’ acquisition of intercultural capabilities

Components of IC

Reflective Questions that interculturally competent teachers might pose, according to the participants


Participant 10: “Am I open, interested, and willing to learn from my students?”

Participant 4: “Do I have prejudices about my students?”

Participant 7: “What do I do if I misunderstand what my students are saying?”


Participant 13: “Which principles, habits, and ideals shape my mindset, behaviour, and conversation, and also those of my students?”

Participant 16: “Is it possible for me to recognise my own cultural behaviour and understand why I think and behave the way I do?”

Participant 1: “Is it clear to me how my students want to be handled?”


Participant 5: “How do I adjust my perspective so that I define my students’ behaviours before judging them?”

Participant 2: “Do I react in a culturally sensitive way?”

Participant 17: “How far do I actually pay attention to my students?”