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Table 5 Specific mentions of leadership in open-ended questions asked of former teachers (n = 47)

From: Social capital: a vital ingredient for retaining foreign language teachers

What are the reasons for your departure from the field?

What would have ensured your continuation in the field?

*Fed up with lack of support from Principal/admin

*More administration support

*Discouraged by administration actions to sideline language study

*Greater support from admin

*Lack of support by superiors

*A school principal and staff who valued LOTE just a tiny bit

*Principal had worst people management skills known to man or woman

*A supportive administration that could have helped me through the stress

*Principal and admin which classified all LOTE [Languages Other Than English] teachers as a waste of space

*Kill the headmaster

*60 staff left my school in 2.5 years, thanks for [sic] the headmaster. I was one of the 60.

*Support from [governing body]

* [governing body] lack of support

*Emphasis given further up the chain [to foreign language]

*No interest or demand from admin/principal or head office

*More understanding and supportive principals